About us

Due to our specialized service in the purchase of silver, gold, platinum, brand jewelry, brand watches and art objects, we often have an interesting collection of objects in our possession. This collection is particularly sought after by renowned houses, collectors and enthusiasts at home and abroad.

Various customers are therefore very welcome at our home. In the past, we have already sold objects to national and international museums, the DIVA museum in Antwerp and the King Baudouin Foundation.

Professional repairs and creations

Buddy's Gold has a fully equipped workshop for the repair and creation of jewelry. We are skilled in:

  • Manufacturing unique jewelry
  • Restoration of jewelry and silverware
  • Repair of jewelry and silverware

Vendre un objet similaire

2Xtreme Bv
Stormestraat 71/73
8790 Waregem
+32 56 90 79 49 info@rogiers-carpentier.com
BE 0867229587

Contactez- nous

2Xtreme Bv
Stormestraat 71/73
8790 Waregem
+32 56 90 79 49 info@rogiers-carpentier.com
BE 0867229587

Contact us

2Xtreme Bv
Stormestraat 71/73
8790 Waregem
+32 56 90 79 49 info@rogiers-carpentier.com
BE 0867229587

Sell ​​a similar item

2Xtreme Bv
Stormestraat 71/73
8790 Waregem
+32 56 90 79 49 info@rogiers-carpentier.com
BE 0867229587

Een gelijkaardig object verkopen

2Xtreme Bv
Stormestraat 71/73
8790 Waregem
+32 56 90 79 49 info@rogiers-carpentier.com
BE 0867229587

Neem contact op

2Xtreme Bv
Stormestraat 71/73
8790 Waregem
+32 56 90 79 49 info@rogiers-carpentier.com
BE 0867229587